Deepening Days – Movement Lab in Borderland

Fotografer: Friedel Weiser, Olga Berdikyan, Ray Chung, Anna E Weiser. Montage F. Weiser

Fotografer: Friedel Weiser, Olga Berdikyan, Ray Chung, Anna E Weiser. Montage F. Weiser

Vibrationsverket – Room for Movement

Movement lab in borderland

OBS! Inställt 28/7 – 31/7

in the beautiful tent in Anga on eastern Gotland.

For artists with movement-based/inspired practices in different fields.


An artistic movement lab, for four days, with four movement-based artists, from their four different perspectives on movement, and time for own explorations in a beautiful ancient cultural environment and distinctive nature, a few kilometers from the coast.

Katarina Eriksson, dance artist based in the USA and Sweden, who has worked with improvisation and contact improvisation for over thirty years. Elise Nuding, artist and researcher in dance and choreography with a background in archeology and cultural heritage. Anna E Weiser, composer-choreographer, musician and Somatic Movement Educator/Body-Mind Centering®, artistic director of the Vibrationsverket. Wolfgang Weiser, balance artist, Alexander Technique teacher and PhD student in Sustainable Movement Education.

Register by July 14 at the latest to Max 12 participants.

Fee: SEK 2700 (reduced price if necessary).

Payable to KF Balans i Fokus: Swish 1233097995, Bankgiro 146-7786.


Practical info

Note! If you are travelling long way, you have the option of checking in already on 27/7, and checking out on 1/8.

28/7 Day of arrival.

Evening class 17.00 – 19.00


29/7 – 30/7

Breakfast from 8.00.

Class 10.00 – 13.00

Lunch 13.00-14.00

(own time)

Laboratories 17.00 -19.00



Breakfast from 8.00.

Class 10.00 – 13.00

Lunch 13.00-14.30

Laboratory and joint reflection 14.30-16.30

Final coffee 16.30-17.00.

Food: breakfast/lunch/dinner vegetarian, locally grown and as far as possible organic. SEK 300/day.

On the site there is a simple outdoor kitchen, as well as a nice outdoor toilet. Showers can be borrowed nearby.

Accommodation: Tents – The Vibrationsverket has a number of larger beautiful canvas tents with room for 4 people/tent. SEK 100/night. Bring your own sleeping bag and preferably sleeping mat. Extra mats are available if required.

You can also bring and set up your own tent. SEK 50/night.

6 km from Anga there is also the hostel Liste gård

Transport: Anga is 36 km from Gotland’s largest city, Visby. Unfortunately, there is no public transport past Anga during the summer. The nearest stop is Kräklingbo church, about 5 km from Anga. For SEK 200, the Vibrationsverket can pick up and drop off at the boat terminal/airport (the cost will be split if the ride is shared with others), or at bus stops as agreed.


Presentation of participating artists/researchers

Elise Mae Nuding (SE/UK) is an artist and researcher in dance and choreography with a background in cultural heritage studies and archaeology. Her artistic practice lies at the intersection of choreography, somatic practice, (contact) improvisation, and writing. Her teaching experience includes extensive teaching in higher education and a range of other settings, such as professional training for dancers and community contexts. She is currently a lecturer in dance at the University of Gothenburg.

In Elise’s class, we will explore material compositions (of the body, the collective body, and its surroundings) through various improvisational structures and touch, both on our own and in contact with others.

Katarina Eriksson has worked with improvisation and experimental dance since 1989, often in interdisciplinary contexts. She teaches Contact and dance improvisation internationally and is a regular partner with Moving Ground, San Fransisco and Spinn Dance Company, Gothenburg. After many years in the USA, she has recently moved back to Sweden and is currently working with her own performance project Pause Piece/Växprocesser and with Big Wind’s adaptation of The Tempest for and with young people with special needs. Katarina’s leadership style supports collaboration, diversity of expression and “beginner’s mind”. Her main guides in art-making are vulnerability, musicality and deep play.

In Katarina’s class, we investigate the creative potential of one of nature’s (and the dancing body’s) most common forms: the spiral. We begin with playful solo explorations and perceptive duo exercises, then meander on to ensemble improvisations, inspired by the surrounding landscape, and the dynamic patterns of nature.

Anna E Weiser is a transdisciplinary composer – sound choreographer, voice artist, writer, Somatic Movement Educator/BMC®, with an artistic master’s degree in Music from the Royal College of Music. She works sense-based, explores timbre and listening – sense of sound – in a wider perspective; materially, spatially, in landscape, in relation to sensibility and perception. She is currently working with her own project about voice improvisations by watercourses, and runs Vibrationsverket – Room for movement on Gotland together with Wolfgang Weiser.

In Anna’s class, we will explore materiality, resonance and spatiality through improvisation, movement and elements of craft/visual art.  We will work with distinguishing textures and timbres, on hearing and noticing difference, with and without material and objects that can sound. The work is influenced by Body-Mind Centering®.

Wolfgang Weiser, Sweden, is a senior AT teacher and balance artist. He is performing, giving workshops as well as educating AT- teachers. Currently he is a PhD student in the research school SMOVE (sustainable movement education) at Gothenburg University as well as running Vibrationsverket – Room for movement on the Island of Gotland together with Anna E Weiser.

In Wolfgang’s class, we examine the act of balance. It incorporates the principles of the Alexander Technique into simple movement explorations to engage and re-organize the relationship with our surroundings.


Warm welcome!

For more information contact Anna E Weiser, 0707425495